Wellesley is committed to making a world-class education affordable and will meet the full calculated need for those admitted and enrolled at the College.
The College calculates every year the comprehensive fee (cost of attendance) for a student to attend, which includes direct costs such as tuition, room and meal plans, and a student activity fee. Wellesley goes beyond these expenses to consider indirect costs such as books, personal items, and travel for eligible students. The comprehensive fee is based on full-time attendance for two semesters, fall and spring.
We are sensitive to the strain that college students and their families feel as the cost of higher education across the country continues to rise. For the upcoming academic year, the College’s need-based financial aid is projected to increase to a total of $84 million. Students who currently receive financial aid can expect their cost of attendance to remain the same as it would have without the tuition, room and board increase.
Student Activity Fee:
*Student health insurance may be waived if a student has adequate coverage through their family. More information is available on the health insurance website.
*Indirect Costs will vary per student.
Wellesley's financial support does not end when classes do. The College subsidizes summer internships around the world. For more information please contact the Career Education Office.
The Student Financial Services staff is here to assist students and families to make a Wellesley education possible. We are confident that a Wellesley education is one of the best investments your family can make.
You can now (quickly and easily) estimate what your financial aid package might be.
See Summer Session website for fees
Payment Deadline: May 13, 2024
Please note: Tuition and other summer session fees are not included in regular year tuition. Wellesley students who receive financial aid during the academic year will be assessed for summer aid automatically upon registration (there is no formal application to complete). Financial aid is not available for non-Wellesley College students or for Wellesley College students who were not enrolled in 2023-2024. Please visit the Summer Session website for additional information. Billing and payment information can be found on our website, as well as information on how to access Workday.
Tuition - Per Credit/Course: $8,360.00
Student Activity Fee - Per Credit/Course: $37.00
Tuition - Per Half Credit/Course: $4,180.00
Please note: If you are a Davis Scholar and live off campus and do not have dependent children, your aid from Wellesley College will not include expenses for off-campus living. If you live off campus, your financial aid package will only reflect tuition and fees, not expenses toward off-campus housing and meals. Your aid will reflect costs associated with commuting. Loans are available to help with off-campus living expenses. You should speak with a financial aid counselor if you are interested in borrowing. If you are a postbaccalaureate student or special student, you are not eligible for financial aid and you are not eligible for campus housing.
Tuition - Per Credit/Course: $836.00
Student Activity Fee - Per Credit/Course: $15.00
Tuition - Per Half Credit/Course: $418.00